The first birthday party Marie can remember is her seventeenth birthday. She had aunts and uncles and cousins attend. Her birthday presents were yards of material so she could make herself some dresses. Marie was an excellent seamstress, so everyone knew that the yard goods would be very much appreciated. However, not too exciting.
This year the company and the gifts were very different. Some of her grandchildren and friends and son from Texas came to visit for a couple of days. This kind of thing happens when you turn 95. There was a big supper at her son’s of brisket, salads, and fruit.
The next day a birthday party complete with decorated cake and ice cream was served. The whole group sang happy birthday to Marie and the flashbulbs lit up the room. She has a fun sense of humor and said, “Cheese” every once in awhile.
She had beautiful gift bags full of gifts including linens, pots and pans, bird feeders and personal items. I think one of her favorite gifts was from her grandchildren. That was frames of pictures of them wearing hats that Marie had made from plastic bags, pictures of them surrounding her, and pictures of her and two of her children.This year the company and the gifts were very different. Some of her grandchildren and friends and son from Texas came to visit for a couple of days. This kind of thing happens when you turn 95. There was a big supper at her son’s of brisket, salads, and fruit.
The next day a birthday party complete with decorated cake and ice cream was served. The whole group sang happy birthday to Marie and the flashbulbs lit up the room. She has a fun sense of humor and said, “Cheese” every once in awhile.
Marie loves to reminisce and tell stories from the past. The stories she tells are inspiring to everyone who listens.
Actually her stories are history lessons from the early nineteen hundreds to World War Two to the present day. Marie holds audience with young and old with her stories; most are fascinated.
When Marie is tickled, she has a fun little giggle that is very infectious. Most everyone laughs with her.
I hope you enjoy the pictures of Marie and her family and friends on a very special day for her.
If you would like to take a look at more pictures and posting click on Lu's Place just across the street. We enjoy having you visit.