Saturday, November 13, 2010

Why Is She Doing This?

We went to visit Fran’s mom the other day a couple of days after we had delivered a box of yarn for her. People know that she loves to crochet and knit so if they quit that hobby or have too much yarn they give it to Fran. Of course, I don’t do any of that so we give it to Marie. When we walked in with more the other day she said, "No more. I can't use what I have!" So we will not take her any more for a few months.
We gave her a toilet paper box full of yarn last summer and she is still working on using that up. She even made me little rugs out of some of it. They look cute under Maggie’s food dish and underneath crocks I use for sunflowers.
The expression she always uses when we walk in is, “What’s cooking?” Her eyes just sparkle like diamonds when she asks that.
Anyway she showed me what she was doing with yarn the other day. She was making a gazillion stocking hats all at the same time. The patterns were all different. Some were serviceable and some were very fancy.
I wonder why she is making so many stocking caps at the same time? Oh, she did say she had to get cooking. Could it be……..
2018: She made all of her grandchildren and mine stocking hats that year and of course, Fran. Hmm, she didn't make me one.

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