Thursday, March 16, 2017

Another Celebration for Marie's 101st Birthday!

That birthday party was small compared to her big 100th birthday party. Marie's son, Roger and his wife, Virgie came from Texas and Fran and I.
Marie did ask me if this was all the company she was going to have. I explained that yes, this year, we were it. She smiled and said, "That's alright."
Roger and his wife gave heer a gift certificate for a new perm at the beauty shop which she really liked. We got her a new sweater of course, a cake with the special candles: 101.
It's always nice for Marie when Roger comes to visit because he generally stays a week.
I'm sure there will be more birthdays to celebrate with the lady that I am proud to call my mother-in-law.
March 2019: I found the sweater we gave her still in the bag after she had passed. She loved her old blue sweater....

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