Sunday, September 2, 2018

The Rocking Chair Has Many Stories

Marie's rocking chair is making it's third appearance on a blog. The first was on Lu's Place. The story is a fun one. I wrote it on June 19, 2018 in response to one of my daughter's daily Facebook questions. Her question was something like "what was your greatest life lesson by a family member?" go to website Lu's Place to see what happened to me. I also used the picture of Marie's father's rocking chair in my children's blog as well.
So just a few days ago I asked Marie's brother, Charles Aubin, AKA Uncle Charlie about her rocking chair. No one was allowed to sit in it and always had an afghan on it sitting behind her chair. Evidently that was to ensure that no one sat in it... It was his and Marie's father's chair and had many stories connected to it.
The story Charlie told me was about his daughter, Karen. She was about seven years old. At school they had been taught that smoking was very bad for your health and could even kill you to put it bluntly.

Charlie had taken his family to visit his parents. His father was a smoker and of course, I have told the story about his fun ashtrays. Well, Charlie's daughter, Karen, had crawled up on her Pepe's lap and took his cigarette's out of his shirt pocket. This was not acceptable and he told her to give him back his cigarettes. She said, "No!" He again told her to give him back his cigarettes in a very stern voice. She began to cry. He asked her why she was crying. Her response was this: "Because if you smoke cigarettes you will die and I don't want you to die."
Charlie said his father was taken aback but did not quit smoking.
The other story is about Marie's son, Roger sitting in that rocking chair, rocking his son, Roger Jr., whom had the chicken pox. Roger's son can remember that. Isn't that interesting? I think there are two reasons at least about that. It seems that Marie's son caught the chicken pox from his son and he was sick! I even think I heard that he had caught them twice, but I may be mistaken about that.
 But I think that the most important memory is again the legacy that Marie has left us all; the love of family. That legacy will never die as long as the Aubin/Lizotte families continue on into the future generations. Those values were instilled into their children and their children as far as I heard the other evening for 6 generations, maybe even 7 if you count the great grandparents that came to the United States from Canada. They continued to love and cherish their children as long as they were able. In the meantime their love has carried through some really tough trials and tribulations, but has endured.
Marie will never be forgotten.


  1. The sweaters and hats are worn by Marie's twin granddaughters. The rocking chair speaks for itself.

  2. The rocking chair is now at home in Charles and Nancy's home in Texas. I wonder if there will be more stories connected to that chair...
