Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Margaret Lamont's Doll Shop

I have had a request to hear more about the doll shop, so this morning I went to visit Marie to see if she could tell me more.
There were about twenty girls that worked there. In fact her niece, Phyllis worked there for a time. At the time Marie was working there, there was only one shift running. The doll shop’s owners contracted with the Sayco Company in New York. Sayco sent the doll shop all the cut outs and then the girls sewed them together.
Marie said besides the Mary Poppins outfits, they made clothes for Alice Blue Gown doll, Bozo the Clown, Mortimer, Cinderella even christening gowns for babies.

The lady that owned the shop would always look for jobs if the business was slow. One time she got a job for making a lot of teddy bears. The company paid for it with a bounced check. So Margaret’s shop lost a lot of money on that job.
When Marie started sewing for a wage, she sewed at a trouser shop. She stayed there for eleven years. Then she went to a shirt shop that was poorly run for only three months. From the shirt shop she went to Margaret’s Doll Shop for thirty two years. She retired then but found she needed more money than her social security paid her, so she worked for a garment factory called R&M for three years. They made bathrobes, underwear, smocks and a variety of things. She received some back pay from social security that was a surprise, so she then could retire with more comfort.
Can you remember how many months or years you worked for each job that you had.? I think Marie’s memory is amazing. She was telling me today that one day she came into the doll shop and a new chief operator had put all the sewing machines facing the wall. She pretty much flipped out. She said she asked him if he knew anything about sewing. He said no, but he knew about organization. Marie quit her job. The lady that owned the business had died, she didn’t like the son and just decided to go home and be happier, albeit a little broker.
Note: Through the years I have been told about relatives and other folks that worked at Mrs. Lamont's Doll Shop.


  1. So very interesting to read about Marie's career as a seamstress. And to remember that the US actually did manufacture clothing in the olden days before garment construction went to China and other far-eastern countries. Can't even imagine sewing men's trousers--but probably easier than those tiny little doll clothes! And just AMAZING what a wonderful memory Marie has. I am SO envious!

  2. I wish I could remember half of that. I really enjoyed the clothing and dolls she used to make for us. Still have a couple of the quilts, though.

    Brings back alot of good memories.

  3. Did Marie make quilts for just the dolls for you or grown up quilts for the grandchildren?
