Monday, April 13, 2009

Introduction To A Time In History

Hello, Marie is my mother-in-law and she has consented to let me tell her stories on a blog. She is a fascinating woman who grew up in Massachusetts.Marie is a woman of many talents and many of the stories that we will tell will be related to her talents.
Some of you may say, "You are already telling stories of the old days, why another?" The answer is because these stories are from a totally different perspective than the ones that I have been telling. Marie and my mother were very close in age, however, my mother grew up and lived in the country and Marie grew up and lived in urban areas.
I am fortunate enough to have Marie live just down the hill from my husband and I. She is constantly busy with making afghans, cooking, and laundry. She especially likes to garden and attacks weeds ferociously.
Stories that Marie will be telling will be recorded and then transcripted to the computer. There may be a lapse in time between stories, but that's alright, history will hopefully be written for all her children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and at this time, one great great grandchild to read.
Marie and I sincerely hope that you enjoy these stories and hopefully some of these stories will not repeat themselves in times to come.
LuAnne Lizotte
Married to Francis Lizotte second son of Marie Aubin Lizotte


  1. Can't wait for the 1st story, great pic.

  2. Hello Mem Ma', you look great. Good Job Lou.

  3. Loved to read about all the fine people she met. Can't wait for the next story. Wish we could have spent more time together, she could have taught me so much about sewing. I know some but will never know as much as her.
    Missed alot.

