Friday, February 2, 2018

Aubin Family Portrait

Mr. and Mrs. Aubin
with 5 sons
This picture always amuses me. The first time I saw it I thought, "What?" Marie always always has told me how very strict her father was. When I saw a little girl absolutely looking away from the photographer and her brother looking at her like, " You are really going to catch it." But look at her grin. Who is she and what was she like? And did Marie's father finally give up after umpteen poses and trying to get " the perfect picture." I think this is worth it's weight in gold."

Ok, this is where I need the reader input, names and why and where this portrait was taken. Remember I read and reread these posts to see who, what, and where you are reading from. Thanks so much for making this blog a piece of worth to both the Aubin and Lizotte families.
Note: I have found out many months later, that the little girl that wasn't paying attention was indeed her younger sister, Pauline. Such fun.
Marie's Mother on her 93rd Birthday


  1. Pauline's daughter, Kathy, just told me that " indeed, Pauline is the little girl looking away from the photographer." Mystery solved!! Thanks, Kathy 😊

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I had to originally delete this comment because I had a wrong name spelling. Please see the new comment. Thanks for the pictures.

  3. The bottom snapshot was sent to me by Charlene last night. I wanted to get it posted, but I would love to have names to go with this, where it was taken would be great and was it a special occasion. Thanks.

  4. Jeanne is the little girl on the left with pigtails. Cute!

  5. The original portrait was sent to me by Jeannine this month. These pictures make this blog a place in history.
