She has told me bits and pieces of this story and I didn't write it down like I should have. Today she gave me a name and my husband Francis verified it. Marie, Raymond, Jeanette, Raymond's sister, and Raymond's good friend Roland, St. Louis, climbed this mountain. Marie told me she was very nervous, but determined ( her word) to do it. They went there the night before and started the climb the next morning. I did a little research on this mountain. It is 2000+ feet Elevation. When you enlarge this photo you can see snow. I don't know when their "quest" was, but most mountains are cool weather wise as well as something " cool" to do.
Marie said that it was a very long day. They had to wear oxygen masks at one point. They were warned to " not over do." It sounded like they may have had a guide that knew exactly how to encourage the tourists.
She smiled at me and you could just see her remembering their adventure.
Marie's brother, Charlie, told me that he also went up the mountain. They all had made many friends that made their climb a fun activity.
This is February 13, 2018. I just talked to Marie's brother, Charles. He said that they made several excursions up the mountain. There was a place where you could stop and fill your jars with ice cold mountain water.