Friday, February 2, 2018

Aubin Family Reunion 2004

This a reunion portrait that Marie's niece Jeannine hosted in 2004. She sent me this photo on  personal messenger so that I could add it to Marie's Memories. The reunion was held at her niece's summer cottage, in Fairhaven, Ma.
Each family wore a different color t-shirt to represent their family.
Jeannine had a large portrait made of all family members who had passed. She then picked a name for a winner and Charlene's name was picked so she could then take it home. What a nice prize. Charlene Lewis is Marie's niece, her brother Hector's daughter.
The group is really large, whew!
If I had a reunion and the whole family came there would be five of us.  You should be able to enlarge this on your own device. Wonder of wonders, I didn't know anyone. lol Jeannine gave me lots of information on this reunion, but I really would like her to add all the info in the comment section, if she would. She can tell you I'm sure how many attended, where and all that good information. I am going to add this. If I had a family with as much history as this family has I would be really interested in knowing my relatives, even if I had never set eyes on them before.


  1. The date of the reunion was originally published incorrectly. 2003 is the correct date.

  2. I was there!! Great day to spend with eveyone...each family group wore a different color shirt so we would know which family you belonged to.

  3. That sounds like so much fun! How many days do these reunions last?
