Thursday, February 15, 2018

She Was A Looper

One day Marie was telling me stories and she was telling me that she was so glad to get promoted to using a sewing machine at the Asher Pant factory that she worked for. So of course, I asked, "Well what did you sew if you didn't use a sewing machine? She told me that she was a looper. I'm sure I gave her a blank look and said, "You were a what?" And she not so patiently said again. "A looper." Well, you see I was born in 1944 and she was already twenty-nine by then. I had no idea what kind of jobs there were in clothing facotries. She had told me that she worked at a men's trouser factory, but had never told me what she had done.
A picture of tiny belt loops 
Finally it dawned on me that she actually made loops. She gave me a look that said, "Finally she got it." I cannot even imagine tediously making belt loops for men's trousers day after day. These jobs were not plentiful. People were waiting for factory jobs in those days. They were very grateful when they were hired. The picture is from the internet.
Just an extra note I found patterns for both looping and pocket making from those days after she had passed.

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